Cougar Task 1 - Finding a Career and Major


1. Take the following career quiz. Print your results to include in your portfolio.

Princeton Review's Career Quiz (login with & pw: technology; if it shows you results just click on "Take Quiz Again")

List three potential careers you are interested in from this career quiz:

  1.  _______________________________________________
  2.  _______________________________________________
  3.  _______________________________________________

2. Go to "What can I do with a major in …?" and explore related careers:

What Can I Do With A Major In....?

Choose a major or majors. Look at the list of careers. Which 3 careers interest you the most? Be sure to record the major you looked under so it helps you later! 

Major: __________________________ Career: __________________________

Major: __________________________ Career: __________________________

Major: __________________________ Career: __________________________  

3. Using the online Occupational Outlook Handbook search and explore your possible careers.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

Which career interests you the most?

Name 3 reasons why you want this career.

  1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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